Writing The Troubles, Fiona O’Rourke at Irish Writers Centre Online
Fully booked March-April 2025
A fantastic way to explore the Troubles through writing, no matter what your memories/connections to this part of our island’s history, the course will connect you with writers from all perspectives, and help you uncover ways to document or explore your own. Fiona's prompts/discussions and suggestions are always inspirational.
(Poet/spoken word performer Anne McDonald)
Fiona O’Rourke is an Arts Council funded author & facilitator living in Ireland.
Full writing CV available here.
About Me
Fiona O'Rourke writes fiction, autofiction, and creative nonfiction. She reads at open mics and has performed to an audience of 180 at the Dublin Story Slam. Currently she is querying Palestine Street, stories from The Holylands Belfast, and Bullet Points, an autofiction of life during inner wartime.
She was guest subeditor and contributor for The Storms Journal Issue IV in 2024, and the Organiser/MC for the Open Mic for Gaza fundraisers during March, April, and September 2024. She is currently running Brick by Brick a fundraiser to help a Palestinian family rebuild their home and rehouse 26 family members.
Her creative nonfiction was selected for the Southword Journal Winter 2024. Recent stories were included in The Belfast Review, Shorter Stories Ireland, Eat The Storms Podcast, Fortnight Magazine, The Storms Journal II, and The Waxed Lemon. She is a Pushcart Prize Nominee for Driving Lessons published in the Storms Journal II.
Other work has been broadcast on RTE Francis MacManus, translated in Troquel Revista de Letras, and published in literary journals including The Lonely Crowd, Sonder, Books Ireland Magazine, The Broken Spiral, The Fish Anthology, and more. She was a finalist in the inaugural Cairde Short Story Award judged by Louise Kennedy and Sinéad Gleeson, with a story from Palestine Street.
Her first published work, Wrong Whiskey, was a prize winner at the Fish International Short Story Award. It was included on a reading list for students at Saint Mary's College, California. Fiona was guest reader and speaker at a seminar on Wrong Whiskey for a module that Saint Mary’s undergrads studied in Ireland.
Fiona is a first generation graduate. She moved to Dublin when selected by portfolio (without holding a traditional degree) to study for a Masters in Philosophy in Creative Writing at Trinity College Dublin. She graduated with a distinction in 2015.
Since then, she was selected for the 2016 Irish Novel Fair with Have You Found Luke? In 2017, she won a place on the inaugural XBorders project with the Irish Writers Centre and Arts Council of Northern Ireland, and was awarded an Irish Writers Centre Cill Rialaig writer-in-residence.
Fiona has designed and facilitated creative writing courses and programmes at Trinity College Dublin Innovation Academy, public libraries, festivals, in the community, and at the Irish Writers Centre in Dublin.
She was the curator & facilitator of Northern Soul Roadshow 2023-24 featuring a variety of guest authors including Man Booker winning author Anna Burns (Milkman) from Belfast. She ran this programme for the Irish Writers Centre with support from Arts Council Northern Ireland Lottery funding. Northern Soul Roadshow readings and an interview with Fiona are included in an Eat The Storms podcast.
In 2023, she was the facilitator & coordinator of Writing The Earth, an Irish Writers Centre and iCRAG collaboration for writers and scientists, which produced a showcase of new climate-focused writing and plays hosted by Dublin UNESCO City of Literature at Pearse Street Library.
She is a member of the Irish Writers Union
A Professional Member of the Irish Writers Centre
A member of Women AloudNI
A member of Dublin City Arts Office Panel
Stories, Readings, Awards
Full writing CV here.
Reliable Family Saloon at Shorter Stories Ireland
Reader Podcast For Palestine with Eat the Storms
Guest subeditor for The Storms Journal IV
This Ain’t No Party in Munster Lit Southword Journal 47
An excerpt from Bullet Points in The Storms Journal IV
Trigger Alert in The Belfast Review
Time Travel Button at Shorter Stories Ireland
First Steps at Dublin Story Slam
An excerpt from Bullet Points at Shorter Stories Ireland
Driving Lessons in The Storms Journal (nominated for The Pushcart Prize)
Don’t Wanna Play House in Fortnight Journal
Boyfriends at Shorter Stories Ireland
Highgate 1956 virtualdementiahub.ie
Teamwork Books Ireland and The Waxed Lemon
extraORDINARY Women at Linenhall Library & WomenAloudNI
Various readings at WomenAloudNI/Irish Writers Centre International Women’s Day readathons
Party Land S/list Cairde Word Short Story
Euro 2040 The Lonely Crowd
Other People's Photos Sonder II
The Orangeman & the Yellowbelly Shaped By The Sea Anthology
What You Don't Know The Broken Spiral
What You Don’t Know Spontaneity
Selected to read with WomenXBorders on International Women’s Day 2018, and with WomenAloudNI IWD open mic in 2021
IWC/ACNI X Borders
Have You Found Luke? at the Irish Novel Fair
Red translated for Troquel Revista De Letras
Trap4 Thirteen
He’s Going Nowhere RTE Francis MacManus
Wrong Whiskey The Fish Anthology
Poems with Cultivating Voices, Bangor Literary Journal, Wexford Stories
Course Designer & Facilitator
Northern Soul Roadshow Programme 2022 / 2023 / 2024
Northern Soul Roadshow at Eat The Storms podcast
Writing The Earth Programme 2023
Fingal Libraries The Write Time Festival
Kildare Libraries Connections Through Literature Festival
Women Aloud NI International Women's Day Workshop
Way With Words, Interview with Lucy Sweeney Byrne, IWD
Write By the Sea Festival in Co Wexford
One-to-One Mentoring
Mentor at the Irish Writers Centre since 2018. Fiona has mentored emerging and bursary-awarded writers.
Mentor for a Fingal Arts Office awarded writer 2024-25.